eco:factum Markus Kehrwald - Groschenweg 43b - 81825 Munich

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        Reasons for the commitment

Five advantages of a clear CSR strategy:

  1. Strengthening the reputation:

Your reputation amongst customers, employees, residents, media and government is increasing - your company collects sympathy points and strengthens customer loyalty

  1. Employee motivation:

The identification of employees with "their company" is rising and has a positive effect on the working atmosphere.

  1. Employee recruitment:

A high reputation amongst customers and motivated, satisfied employees increase your attractiveness to the - very competitive - applicant market.

  1. Advantages over competitors:

Your products and services are less replaceable and therefore customer loyalty is achieved significantly better. Advertising campaigns reach more attention and visibility.

  1. Efficient use of resources:

Diversity in commitment often fizzles out - with a clear CSR strategy you use your time and financial resources in an ideal way: for your company and for society.

The better your social environment, your customers and business partners are aware of your corporate  commitment, the stronger your business will benefit from the advantages of a clear CSR strategy described above.

Communication of corporate commitment must meet high demands, as it is closely monitored and questioned by the public. Do: credibility and honesty, transparency and, above all, that words and actions coincide.

All this is easier if project and business fit perfectly, the commitment is well anchored in the company and objectives and benefits presented clearly and openly for all parties.